New French burlesque

cartoons : Tex Avery

cartoons : Tex Avery

Tex Avery

United States
70 min

A program of 9 short animated films by the cartoons master, Tex Avery, created between 1943 and 1955. 

Les Deux Chaperons rouges (Little Rural Riding Hood), 1949

Le Coup du lapin (Doggone Tired), 1949

Casse-noisettes et ses copains (Screwball Squirrel), 1944

Le Petit Chaperon chauffé à blanc (Red Hot Riding Hood), 1943

Les Métamorphoses de Cendrillon (Swing Shift Cinderella), 1945

Rock-a-Bye Bear, 1952

Droopy à la conquête de l'Ouest (Drag-a-Long Droopy), 1954

Droopy shérif (Deputy Droopy), 1955

Chut... (Sh-h-h-h-h-h), 1955

Film choisi par

Antonin Peretjatko


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