Awards and jurys 1993


Anne Fontaine
Laure Duthilleul
Philippe Faucon
Nicolas Philibert
Xavier Carniaux
Xavier Viellatard


Grand Prix Best French Feature Film :

Travolta et moi, Patricia Mazuy (France, 67 mn)

Grand Prix Best Foreign Feature Film :

La Clé, Ibrahim Forouzesh (Iran, 76 mn)

Grand Prix Best Short Film :

Octobre, Abderrahmane Sissako (France, 37 mn)
Emilie Muller, Yvon Marciano (France, 20 mn)
Une mention spéciale a été attribuée à Léonce, Dominique Perrier (France, 12 mn)

Gérard Frot-Coutaz Award :

Travolta et moi, Patricia Mazuy (France, 67 mn)

Grand Prix Best documentary :

Aga ni Ikiru, Sato Makoto (Japon, 115 mn)
Les Joints des mines sont plus étanches que les chambres à air de nos vélos, Isabelle Quignaux (France, 75 mn)

Audience Narrative French Feature Film Award :

Le Fils du requin, Agnès Merlet (France, 90 mn)

Audience Narrative Foreign Feature Film Award :

Hikinige Family (Le Secret de la famille), Toshiyuki Mizutani (Japan, 100 mn)

Audience Narrative Short Film :

Emilie Muller, Yvon Marciano (France, 20 mn)


[FILMS EN COURS] Save the date

Registrations will take place from September 2 to October 4, 2024.


The submissions for the International Competition of the 39th edition ntrevues, Belfort International Film Festival of are open until July 31.  

Retrospective Luc Moullet

Luc Moullet's films are back in theaters in restored versions from January 31! Thanks to the outstanding work of Gaël Teicher (La Traverse). In the presence of Luc Moullet.

2023 Awards

The 38th edition winners !


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