38th edition Steve McQueen's Small Axe

Zéro de conduite - Carte blanche à Steve McQueen

Zéro de conduite - Carte blanche to Steve McQueen

Jean Vigo

50 min
Black & white

‘ZERO DE CONDUITE depicts a rebellion in a French boys’ boarding-school. It’s all about Liberation, freedom, losses and possibilities. To some extent, it’s sexually ambiguous, political, bizarre, with a great narrative. All these ingredients add up to something that’s huge, almost too big. To create anything of that subversive nature, there had to be an element of humour, to carry people along. It was banned for years by French censors and didn’t get a general release until 1946. And I will say, the last frame of the film…immense. I was a 19 year old in art school when I first saw it, and found it utterly magical.’

— Steve McQueen


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