Pierre Salvadori

Since his first feature Cible émouvante to the recent The Trouble With You, Pierre Salvadori occupies a singular place within French cinema. His sophisticated comedies mixes zany and melancholic atmospheres, lonely and crazy characters, revealing their existential crisis.
Pierre Salvadori will be presenting his films alongside some of his artistic collaborators to discuss the various aspects of his work.
The Fabbrica encounters:
PRICELESS (HORS DE PRIX) by Pierre Salvadori (2006, 1h40)
>> Followed by a discussion with Pierre Salvadori, Benoît Graffin (scriptwriter) & Philippe Martin (producer).
IN THE COURTYARD (DANS LA COUR) by Pierre Salvadori (2014, 1h37)
>> Followed by a discussion with Pierre Salvadori & Gustave Kervern.

...Comme elle respire
Pierre Salvadori

Après vous... / Film d'ouverture
Pierre Salvadori

Hors de prix
Pierre Salvadori

Dans la cour
Pierre Salvadori