In the mining region of Huanuni in Bolivia, the earth shakes under people’s footsteps, it hides its shattering secrets, it keeps traces from the past, it stands for the common ground between the living and the dead. By following the flustered roaming of Elder, a young orphan living with his grandmother, we sink into the depths of this mineral film. Elder has just lost his father and seeks refuge with his uncle, who introduces him to the difficult work of mining. In the shadows of the underground corridors, he learns the secrets linked to his father’s death. It is in the bowels of the earth that he begins to incorporate the miners’ strange community, and it is there that he will embark upon an initiatory and earth-shattering voyage. (Elena Lopez Riera)
Kiro Russo a étudié à l'Universidad del Cine à Buenos Aires.
Courts métrages
Enterprisse (2010), Juku (2012), Nueva Vida (Entrevues 2015)Viejo Calaveja est son premier long métrage.
Eurocks One+One award
French Premiere
Eulogio Cuevas (Socavon Cine)
- Interprétation
- Julio Cezar Ticona , Narciso Choquecallata , Anastasia Daza López , Rolando Patzi , Israel Hurtado , Elisabeth Ramírez Galván
- Scénario
- Kiro Russo, Gilmar Gonzales
- Photographie
- Pablo Paniagua
- Son
- Kiro Russo, Mechi Tenina, Andres Polonsky, Peppo Razari
- Montage
- Kiro Russo, Pablo Paniagua
- Production
- Kiro Russo, Pablo Paniagua, Gilmar Gonzales (Socavón Cine et S.T.M.M.D.H)